Industry Help
NZ Qualification Authority
The offical New Zealand Qualifications Authority website
Unit Standard Vibration
Unit Standard RCA
Unit Standard Infrared
Unit Standard Balancing
Unit Standard conmon basic
Unit Standard Alignment
Unit Standard NDT
Unit Standard Vibration
Unit Standard Reliability
Unit Standard Lubrication
Unit Standard NDT
Unit Standard NDT
Unit Standard Infrared
Bearing Defect Frequeny Calculations
FAG Bearing Defect Frequency Calculator
Online tool for calculating FAG bearing defect frequencies
NSK Bearing Defect Frequency Calculator Calculator
Online tool for calculating NSK bearing defect frequencies
SKF Bearing Defect Frequency Calculator
Online tool for calculating SKF bearing defect frequencies
Timken Bearing Defect Frequency Calculator
Online tool for calculating Timken bearing defect frequencies
Gear Tooth Failure
Typical Gear Tooth Failure Modes
Extracted from ANSI/AGMA 1010-E95, this page contains a table constructed by Horsburgh & Scott for identifying potential gear tooth failure modes. This tool is helpful for vibration analysts, thermographers, and professionals implementing or managing an RCM-based system.
Maintenance And Reliability Standards
SAE JA1011 Evaluation Criteria for RCM Processes
Published by SAE for organizations implementing a reliability centered management system. This standard provides the minimum requirements for an effective reliability process. The standard is risk-based and offers a framework for conducting risk assessments and managing risks related to overall reliability.
SAE JA1012 A Guide to the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Standard
Published by SAE for organizations seeking clarification and additional guidance beyond the criteria specified in the SAE JA1011 standard. This standard provides additional guidelines (not requirements) beyond the SAE JA1011 standard.
Vibration Analysis Standards
ISO 17539:2003
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines, general guidelines. This standard presents generally accepted guidelines to be used when establishing a condition monitoring program. Useful as a general checklist to ensure no major elements are missed.
ISO 10816 Series
This suite of standards provides general conditions and procedures for measuring and evaluating vibration on non-rotating parts (bearing housings) for general and specific types of equipment. Though a useful guideline, these standards do not account for real-world variation that makes one level of vibration on a machine acceptable in one case and unacceptable in others. However, these standards are useful additions to any vibration analyst’s library as a general reference.
- ISO 10816-1:1995
Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts, part 1: general guidelines - ISO 10816-2:2001
Part 2: land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min - ISO 10816-3:2009
Part 3: industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal speeds between 120 r/min and 15 000 r/min when measured in situ - ISO 10816-4:1998
Part 4: gas turbine driven sets excluding aircraft derivatives - ISO 10816-5:2000
Part 5: machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants - ISO 10816-6:1995
Part 6, reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100 kW - ISO 10816-7:2009
Part 7, rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on rotating shafts
ISO 18431 Series
Useful suite of signal processing standards for computerized vibration analysis (CVA) organizations to ensure their methods conform to generally agreed standards. But, as with all accepted standards, this standard lags recent advancements in technology. Also, certain assumptions regarding vibration thresholds are impractical in real-world applications and users should consider the standards more as guidelines than requirements.
- ISO 18431-1:2005
Mechanical vibration and shock, signal processing, part 1: general introduction - ISO 18431-2:2004
Part 2: time domain windows for Fourier Transform analysis - ISO 18431-4:2007
Part 4: shock-response spectrum analysis
ISO 21289:2008
Mechanical vibration and shock, parameters to be specified for the acquisition of vibration data. This standard serves as a reasonable checklist for reliability professionals to use when designing program startup procedures and the overall vibration analysis program. Specific applications will require further interpretation for useful application.
ISO 13372 Series
Useful suite of guidelines for vibration analysis professionals, but as with all accepted standards, lags recent advancements in technology.
- ISO 13372-1:2002
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines, vibration condition monitoring, part 1: general procedures - ISO 13373-2:2005
Part 2: processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data
ISO 18436-2:2003
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines, requirements for training and certification of personnel, part 2: vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics. This standard specifies the requirements for persons performing vibration analysis and is used as the basis for certifying individuals. Analysts pursuing professional certification will find this standard useful.
ISO 19499:2007
Mechanical vibration, balancing, guidance on the use and application of balancing standards. Nearly all reliability professionals must concern themselves routinely with balancing equipment either using internal or external resources. Regardless of who balances, this standard is a useful source for identifying the particular balancing standard that is best suited for a particular application.
Motor Testing Standards
IEEE 95-20002
Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Electric Machinery (2300 V and Above) with High Direct Voltage. Part of the generally accepted gold standard for conducting motor testing.
IEEE 43-2000
Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery. Part of the the generally accepted gold standard for conducting motor testing.
MSHA Homepage
The Mine Safety and Health Administration homepage is a useful resource for safety managers. Due to the inherent and industry specific risks related to the mining and cement industries, specialized laws, regulations, implementation and enforcement processes are necessary. Persons and organizations working in the mining and cement industries must be MSHA compliant.
OSHA Homepage
Due to the nature of most work associated with PdM technologies and services, maintenance and reliability professionals must ensure an understanding of and adherence to OSHA requirements. Additionally and just as important, this site offer resources for improving safety programs and information on changes to safety laws and regulations.
Thermography Standards
ASTM E1934-99A(2005)
Standard Guide for Examining Electrical and Mechanical Equipment with Infrared Thermography. Useful for IR thermography service providers and in-house thermography programs as a guideline for planning and conducting studies. As a guideline, this standard does not account for all best practices but may still benefit some professionals.
ISO 18434-1:2008
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines, Thermography, Part 1: General procedures. This standard provides and introduction and general procedures for applying infrared thermography testing. A broad range of machinery types (e.g. electro-mechanical, heat exchangers) are considered. A useful tool for professionals to ensure basic standards are used, but it does not directly address the issue that some coniditon monitoring objectives are better fulfilled using alternative PdM technologies.
Other Resources
General site focused on maintenance and reliability. This site offers some free resources, publications and commercial links. Most reliability professionals find they refer back to this site or its many sister sites from time to time.
For articles, videos, tips, Webinars and short lessons about CBM and reliability improvement. The site contains lots of content from long-time VANZ support and CEO of Mobius, Jason Tranter - plus many more industry practitioners